Amy Frear

Web Developer

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I'm Amy.

I live in Philly.
I love using code to solve problems and to create websites that are accessible and fun.


My approach to developing is heavily influenced by my background in film and theater. Whether on set or at my computer, collaborating with others to make something exciting and beautiful is a passion of mine. I believe in a balance of being practical and playful. My work is easy to access and fun to explore.

Currently a developer at Bluecadet, where I get to work on amazing projects.

Let's Create.

  • React
  • Gatsby
  • Next.js
  • Wordpress
  • JavaScript
  • Node
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL

Personal Projects

Eye Site Home Page




"This year my workload has been double. Mouth and nose aren’t allowed to be seen in public anymore. So I’ve been doing double duty in terms of seeing and expressing. People are relying on me for a smile instead of mouth, and I don’t even know if I’m doing a good job. It's been rough. Eye Site is a website I can go to that is just for me." -Anonymous Eye

Discover videos about eyes, for eyes. Submit your own eye inspired work. Like and comment to connect with other eye lovers. Built with React, CSS, Node, Express, PostgreSQL. Client repo, Eye Site API

Prompt Land Home Page

Prompt Land


Write and Share Artist's Prompts

I was lucky enough to be in a writer's group when I graduated from school, and we began each meeting giving each other prompts for fifteen minutes of freewriting. The prompts were low pressure, low stakes, but it was always amazing to see the material that was generated.

Prompt Land was created as a place to write and share artist prompts. Follow other artists for inspiration and discover prompts for many mediums... including screenwriting, painting, video art, comedy... whatever! Built with React, CSS, Node, Express, PostgreSQL. Client repo, Prompt Land API

Shakespeare in the New York Times

Shakespeare in the NYT

Read reviews for your favorite Shakespeare plays in the New York Times.

One of the joys of seeing a Shakespeare play is to see unique interpretations of these classic texts through the eyes of new directors, actors, and designers. With this app, users can compare different takes of the Bard through reviews in the New York Times API. Towards the bottom of the page, there are links to different published versions of the plays via Google Books so the user can refresh themselves with Shakespeare's scripts after exploring contemporary productions. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery. Click on the image to visit the site, here for the Github repo.

Shakespeare Quiz

Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On...

A Shakespeare Quiz

Once you catch up on your Shakespeare, take a stab at this quiz! This quiz app uses JavaScript and JQuery to keep track of your score and crown you with a Shakespearean quote (or insult) depending on your grade. Even if you are unfamiliar with his works, this quiz will provide you with lots of fun facts about Shakespeare's life, his plays, and the actors that have taken on his famous roles (can you tell I'm a theater nerd?). Click on the image to visit the site, here for the Github repo.